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An Invitation

Amica in London has invited RTOERO members in District 8 to enjoy watching a series of on-line presentations that many will find very valuable. As seniors, our life-styles gradually go through many stages. The experts who have put these webinars together have tried to provide information that many will find well worth watching. Your Executive hopes that you will find them interesting. Just use the web address in the invitation below.

Amica Senior Lifestyles is pleased to support seniors, families, and caregivers with our series of webinars for seniors. When COVID-19 impacted our ability to host in-person events and informational sessions, we launched this series of live virtual seminars and invited our online community to join guest speakers sharing their expertise across a wide range of themes. This series is designed to empower seniors and their families with answers, tips, and information across a variety of topics, including senior health and wellness, better sleep, managing stress, self-care, better aging, caregiving, living with Alzheimer’s, downsizing and more. These online webinars for seniors are presented by nationally recognized experts, generously sharing their experiences and expertise. Amica welcomes members of the RTO to enjoy our growing library of webinars at and watch at your leisure. Contact Amica London's Community Relations Director Rebecca Sim at 519-657-7096 to learn more.”


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